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Baldur's Gate 3 Patch Update Fixes Issues With Lae'zel & Nightsong

Though Baldur’s Gate 3 might not be set to receive additional content in the future, developer Larian Studios has continued to fix many of the game’s most pressing glitches and bugs – including those relating to persistent issues with major characters like Lae’zel and Nightsong – with continuous updates, patches, and hotfixes. Despite being one of the biggest games released in 2023, and a winner of many game of the year awards, Baldur’s Gate 3 has also been notoriously riddled with bugs since its release, as is usually the case with most large scale RPGs (and especially systems-heavy CRPGs).

In a new update, as can be seen on the Baldur’s Gate 3 Steam News page, Hotfix #23 continues to fix many of BG3‘s most pressing issues – most notably, a bug that could cause players to get stuck in Lae’zel’s initial recruitment dialogue when loading into it, and a bug involving Nightsong, the Soul Caged condition, and any status that gave her Immunity to being Incapacitated in the final Act 2 battle with Ketheric Thorm. Notably, the patch also fixes several obscure crashes, some UI exploits for trading with NPCs, and other gameplay issues.

Following the previous announcement from Larian that Baldur’s Gate 3 won’t get a sequel or even additional DLC from the studio, fans can at least be reassured that the game will continue to receive support in the form of smaller patches. Ultimately, it’s somewhat unlikely that every single bug and issue in BG3 will be fixed, as Larian is likely to move onto new projects and slow down support for the game, but it’s already in a much better state than upon its initial release, and many of the most major bugs have already been dealt with.

Currently, it’s unknown what future patches for the game will include (aside from more bug fixes), but it’s likely that the biggest additions to the game are behind it – future major updates, for example, probably won’t add content as big as the post-game epilogue that Baldur’s Gate 3 received with Patch #5. Instead, players can expect any major future patches to be more similar to Patch #6, which added little new content and instead improved the game’s romance-associated animations.

Baldur’s Gate 3, like many other RPGs of a similar scale, is prone to breaking in many minor (and sometimes major) ways, which can be especially frustrating for those going through challenges like the game’s punishing Honour Mode. Though the newest hotfix has fixed many of the game’s remaining issues, there are undoubtedly still more bugs for the developers to catch, and future updates for Baldur’s Gate 3 are likely to focus more on functionality than content.

Source: Baldur’s Gate 3/Steam