A highly acclaimed Netflix show with a Rotten Tomatoes score of 94% ended five years ago, but Baby Reindeer is the perfect replacement for it. Created by Richard Gadd, Netflix’s Baby Reindeer is based on Gadd’s autobiographical one-man show, which recounts his horrifying experience of being stalked and sexually assaulted. Despite initially being relatively obscure compared to Netflix’s other mainstream outings, the British drama is slowly gaining traction through word-of-mouth.
Even from a critical standpoint, the Netflix miniseries has performed exceptionally well so far, standing at a perfect Rotten Tomatoes score of 100%. Considering how Baby Reindeer is gradually turning out to be a sleeper hit for the streamer, it serves as a reminder of how, even with limited budgets and lesser-known cast members, television shows can be successful if they are driven by compelling stories and powerful performances. Owing to this, viewers who enjoyed watching Baby Reindeer should certainly check out another similar five-year-old Netflix series.
Netflix’s Baby Reindeer is receiving unanimous acclaim from both viewers and critics and is being praised for its unique and harrowing exploration of everything from bullying to sexual abuse. However, as novel as Baby Reindeer may seem, the show shares many similarities with another highly acclaimed Netflix series, The End of the F…ing World. For starters, like Baby Reindeer, The End of the F…ing World highlights how trauma can shape and even distort one’s perception of reality.
Although The End of the F…ing World has more romantic undertones, it also offers an unflinching look at the long-term impact of abuse and neglect on its protagonists’ lives. Even when it comes to the two shows’ overarching tones, they are quite similar. Despite dabbling with serious, dark themes, both shows use comedy as a narrative device to lighten the mood and bring some comic relief to otherwise disturbing story elements. This juxtaposition of distressing moments with subtle levity makes both shows more engaging and adds more color and depth to their complex character beats.
Considering Netflix’s history of abrupt cancelations, it may be hard not to assume that The End of the F…ing World met the same fate as several other shows that ended prematurely. However, as the show’s creator Charlie Covell confirmed (via Radio Times), he had never planned a season 3 for The End of the F…ing World. As a creator, he personally felt that the Netflix series had reached its natural conclusion with season 2 and did not wish to unnecessarily extend it. Considering how Baby Reindeer is also a limited Netflix series that reaches a satisfying closure in its final episode, its season 2 will not happen.