Family Guy‘s 2024 holiday specials receive a major streaming update amid news about the future of the hit animated comedy. Debuting in 1999, the sitcom was created by Seth MacFarlane and follows the dysfunctional Griffin family and their many mishaps in the fictional town of Quahog, Rhode Island. Family Guy features an ensemble voice cast, including MacFarlane, Mila Kunis, Seth Green, and Alex Borstein, and is widely regarded as one of the greatest animated shows, earning a total of eight Primetime Emmy Awards during its 22 seasons on the air.
Following MacFarlane discussing Family Guy‘s future beyond season 23, there has been news that two 2024 holiday specials are going to stream on Hulu. According to reports from TVLine, news broke during the show’s PaleyFest panel that the streaming platform will be the home to two exclusive Family Guy specials, the details of which are currently yet to be revealed. Hulu is already home to new Family Guy episodes the day after they air on Fox.
The fact that Family Guy is producing holiday specials is positive news for its future, and MacFarlane has already stated that he is planning to continue it for as long as audiences are interested. When reflecting on Family Guy‘s 25th anniversary, he discussed its enduring appeal, so it feels unlikely that it will be ending any time soon. In a similar vein to fellow animated sitcom South Park, which has run for 26 seasons, Family Guy shows little sign of slowing down, and, being an animated show, coordinating cast members is easier than it would be for live-action.
Family Guy has been so successful largely as a result of its off-beat humor, satirization of American culture, and a tendency not to shy away from controversial topics, and as long as the show can continue in this vein, it will always appeal to certain people. Provided MacFarlane feels he can keep things fresh and interesting, and there are still stories to tell, it seems inevitable that Family Guy will find an audience, and with each passing year there are new world events to satirize.
While it is unclear how many seasons the show might yet run for, it will continue for a while. In fact, following years of uncertainty, the Family Guy movie has had a positive update from MacFarlane, who is seemingly keen to explore how the show might look as a feature film, and this could open the door to future movies as well. The two Family Guy specials could also set a precedent for Hulu, and there might be more specials on the platform moving forward.
Source: TVLine