baldur s gate 3 character rubbing their hands together with some gold

Hidden Baldur's Gate 3 Glitch Is The Perfect Solution To Your Gold Woes

Baldur’s Gate 3 is a huge game with a level of attention to detail that makes it the envy of many other RPGs. Still, this attention to detail does not mean that the game is faultless. Due to the sheer size of Larian Studio’s masterpiece, glitches and bugs are inevitable, and the Belguim-based developer has continued to work on patch fixes ever since its latest CRPG hit stores in 2023. Some players have found that not all of these glitches are necessary ones that hamper the gaming experience. Sometimes, it’s the opposite.

Like in Dungeons & Dragons, Baldur’s Gate 3 uses gold as its main currency, and if Tav and the party want the best equipment, potions, and scrolls, a lot of gold will need to be spent in a playthrough. There are many ways of getting gold. Classic looting, dungeon-delving, and selling items found during travels is always an option, yet none are quite as fun as being on the opposite side of the law. Still, despite the thrill of theft, it doesn’t always pay to be a criminal, but there is a way to steal without getting in trouble.

Baldur’s Gate 3 has a crime and punishment system. If a party member is caught stealing, they will be confronted by an NPC with authority, and will need to talk their way out of it, fight or be arrested. A bribe is always an option, but this seems counterintuitive if a player is stealing to make more money. Not everyone can have Astarion’s dexterous fingers (at least, unless a player feels like a party full of rogues is the best option) so is there a way to steal without getting caught?

If a party member opens a container, such as a backpack, that isn’t illegal to touch, any stolen goods can be put into that container. This will decrease the attitude of nearby NPCs toward the character who has stolen the item, but it will not get that character in trouble with the law. Now that the item is in the container it can then be taken out and no longer counts as a stolen item. Because of this, it can be sold to vendors without worry, and a trip to a prison cell won’t be on the mind.

[Warning! Minor spoilers ahead for Baldur’s Gate 3]

A good rogue can easily steal items without anyone noticing. The advantage of this is that it does not lower attitude and does not require a nearby storage container, but there is no guarantee that a rogue will always be on hand. Outside of stealing to make a quick buck, this can also be used to solve specific encounters. In Act 2, this method can be used to steal the Moonlantern from Kar’niss, avoiding the encounter with him entirely.

The most important note about this method of stealing is that it doesn’t require any checks. Anyone in the party can now steal, even if they have the finesse of a rampaging bull. Everyone from fighters to barbarians can get in on the thrill of theft without the fear of the law, and they can sell everything they’ve stolen to finally afford that magical, shiny sword they’ve been ogling since they first arrived at a proper smithy.

If gold is the objective, a player has to be careful around vendors with this glitch. Since it lowers the attitude of all NPCs within sight of the theft, it also affects those that sell goods. These vendors, with a lower attitude, will make prices less favorable for Tav and their party, making the selling of items inefficient. This can be solved by having one character commit the theft and another party member sell the goods since attitude is character-specific, but it is something to look out for.

Larian Studios is known for being good at patching its CRPG gem. The updates are constant, and there is no reason to believe that this glitch will be hanging around for long. If a player wants to take advantage of it, they have to do it before the next update or hope that it isn’t addressed in the next set of patches. A playthrough of Baldur’s Gate 3 is a long one, and this could be addressed before most people have time to complete a full campaign, so if money is the name of the game, make it fast.

Rogues are one of the most useful classes in BG3, thanks to their ability to lockpick, pickpocket and disarm traps. They can likely steal without getting caught and are more efficient than this glitch, but if one is not available, there is no reason not to take advantage. A backpack can always be carried and dropped on the ground to fully optimize this glitch, making it mobile and versatile, if a little time-consuming.

Since it can be done at any level, so long as there is a storage vessel of some kind available, the early game grind for gold can be easily overcome. This is especially useful in the first few hours, as checks are harder to pass with poorer stats and a lack of features to make theft much more passable. In the late game, however, gold is not as sought after since there is little to spend it on during Act 3, where all the best equipment comes from looting bosses or as quest rewards.