Injustice: Gods Among Us is an alternate DC Comics story where the Justice League splits into two factions and goes to war after the Joker brainwashes Superman into killing Lois Lane and destroying Metropolis. This comic series created by Tom Taylor, Axel Gimรฉnez, Mike S. Miller, and Jeremy Raapack features a five-year war between Supermanโs One Earth Regime and Batmanโs Insurgency. Followed by a sequel with Injustice 2, this huge event leads to many heroes losing their lives.
Earth-49 aka the Injustice universe is home to the same heroes fans all know and love, but now they find themselves amid a universal Civil War. After Joker succeeds in making Superman lose control and kill the Clown Prince of Crime, the Man of Steel calls for a worldwide ceasefire and all heroes to fall in line with his Regime. Horrified by his actions and left with no choice, Batman gathers his Justice League friends and other allies to take the fight to Superman.
Every war has its casualties and the Injustice universe loses many powerful heroes through various means. Here is every hero from the Injustice storyline, how they died, and their power levels rank from weakest to strongest.
The weakest heroes killed off in Injustice are arguably the most important catalysts for the story itself. The Daily Planetโs Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen were both killed off brutally in Injustice Year One #1 by the Joker. In the first pages of the issue, Joker shoots Jimmy through his eye and kidnaps Lois.
Lois, who is pregnant with Supermanโs child, is fitted with a nuclear bomb heart monitor/trigger. Joker then uses Scarecrowโs fear gas laced with Kryptonite to brainwash Superman into killing Lois by flying her into space. When Lois dies, the heart monitor triggers the nuclear bomb, destroying Metropolis.
Though he might not be the strongest human, Dan Turpin makes up for it with his hard-as-nails leadership skills. In Injustice Year Zero #4, Turpin, under the codename โBrooklyn,โ was the leader of the Boy Commandos, a team of soldiers who were saved by the Justice Society of America in World War II. They fought alongside the JSA to win WWII.
In Injustice 2, Turpin is the warden of Strykerโs Island, the maximum security prison keeping One Earth Regime members after Evil Supermanโs defeat. In Injustice 2 #3, he is killed during a prison breakout by Athanasia al Ghul, Batman and Talia al Ghulโs daughter and Damian Wayneโs sister.
The brave men and women of the Gotham City Police Department join Batmanโs Insurgency to stop Supermanโs Regime. All of these fellow allies of Batman have dedicated their lives to saving Gotham, and now step up to fight against the supernatural forces of the DC Universe. Jim Gordon sadly dies in Injustice Year Two #10 due to terminal cancer, but still manages to put up a good fight.
Harvey Bullock is vaporized by Mr. Mxyzptlk, disguised as the Spectre in Year Three #2. But Reneeโs death comes in Year Four #2 when she takes too many Kryptonite super pills to kill Wonder Woman and Superman for killing Huntress, but her human heart gives out due to an overdose.
The Wayne Family butler and truest friend to the Dark Knight, Batman. Alfred spends the entire five years of Injustice supporting his fellow Bat-Family and the Insurgency. Famously, Alfred takes a Kryptonian durability enhancer pill to pummel Superman, a moment the evil Man of Steel never forgets.
In Injustice: Year Five #12, a vengeful Superman secretly hires Victor Zsasz to find and kill Alfred just to hurt Batman. After his gruesome death at the hands of Zsasz, a desperate Damian Wayne digs up Alfredโs body and resurrects him in the Lazurus Pit in the Injustice 2 comics.
The Birds of Prey, a sub-unit of the Bat Family, join the fight against the One Earth Regime. Huntress, who already has a difficult relationship with Batman, doesnโt trust the Dark Knight until he is forced to reveal his identity. Tragically, in Injustice Year Three #11, Huntress is killed when Wonder Woman snaps her neck with the Lasso of Truth.
Batwoman, another difficult ally of Bruce Wayne, stays in the background for most of the story, until Supermanโs heat vision incinerates her in Injustice Year Five #20. Batwomanโs death is not in vain, however, as she helps protect the universal portal device that allows an alternate Justice League to travel to the Injustice universe to help the Insurgency win the war.
Lex Luthor dies as a loyal soldier to Batmanโs cause. In the Injustice universe, Lex never becomes a villain and instead dedicates his life to being Supermanโs best friend. He is even in love with Lois Lane. However, after Loisโ death and Supermanโs turn to villainy, Lex is left with no choice but to betray his friend and join Batmanโs Insurgency while pretending to serve Supermanโs Regime.
In Injustice: Ground Zero #10, Superman discovers Lexโs act of treason and reacts by choking his former friend to death in front of billions of cameras. The genius billionaire gives his life and fights to save his best friend out of loyalty to Batman and his unrequited love for Lois Lane.
Wesley Dodds, one of the founding members of the JSA, meets his end thanks to the Joker. The Sandman was one of the greatest detectives of the 1940s, known for his mysterious persona, psychic dream abilities, and his truth-serum gas gun. As a JSA member, he and heroes such as Hourman, Jay Garrick, and Alan Scott, the original Green Lantern, were the precursors to the future Justice League.
In Injustice Year Zero #6, the Joker becomes the Lord of Chaos thanks to the amulet of the god Apophis, and uses his new mind-control abilities to brainwash Alan Scott into stabbing his ally, the Sandman, in the heart.
The greatest marksman in DC Comics canโt maneuver his way out of this situation. Green Arrow is already treading through dangerous waters after he keeps Jokerโs girlfriend, Harley Quinn, safe from the vengeful Superman. Later on, he joins Batmanโs Insurgency to protect the innocent from the Regime.
In Injustice Year One #11, after shooting Superman with an arrow and that arrow ricocheting onto Clarkโs father, Jonathan Kent, the Man of Steel snaps. After he manages to send the Kryptonite pills to the Insurgency via arrow, Green Arrow is savagely beaten to death by Superman. A hero until the very end.
Before Jaime Reyes took up the mantle, Ted Kord took the young Reyes on as an apprentice to become the next Blue Beetle. Throughout the five-year war between the Regime and the Insurgency, Ted stays off of the battlefield and focuses his attention on training Jaime and running his company, Kord Industries.