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JAPA: Why UK is cutting down massively on migration

The United Kingdom has cut down massively on migration, increasing the general salary threshold for those arriving in the UK on a Skilled Worker visa from ยฃ26,200 to ยฃ38,700.

According to the Home Secretary, James Cleverly, the minimum wage was increased by 48 percent to cut migration and put British workers first in force.

Revisions have been implemented to reduce migration drastically and to prevent the exploitation of British workers by companies seeking to hire low-cost labor from abroad.

In a statement released on its website this Thursday, the UK government announced that businesses will now be obligated to offer significantly higher salaries to overseas workers arriving in the UK on Skilled Worker visas.

This move is part of the governmentโ€™s initiative to curb the reliance on foreign labor and to fulfill its pledge to decrease net migration. The government emphasized that this salary increase aims to prioritize recruiting highly skilled workers, stimulating the UK economy while simultaneously reducing overall immigration figures.

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In alignment with this strategy, the government has eliminated the shortage occupation list, ensuring that no sector remains permanently dependent on immigration. Consequently, employers are no longer permitted to pay migrant workers less than their British counterparts in occupations facing shortages.

To facilitate these changes, a new Immigration Salary List (ISL) has been established based on recommendations from the expert and independent Migration Advisory Committee (MAC). This list will include only skilled roles experiencing shortages, taking into consideration the efforts made by sectors to invest in local talent.

Itโ€™s crucial to note that inclusion on the ISL must not lead to diminished wages or hinder the recruitment of British workers. Employers are encouraged to prioritize investments in training, upskilling, and hiring domestic employees before resorting to international recruitment.

As the government implements decisive measures to facilitate employment for British citizens, it marks one of the most significant interventions in employment in a generation with its ยฃ2.5 billion Back to Work plan.

This comprehensive plan is aimed at removing obstacles to employment for over a million individuals who have been long-term unemployed, dealing with long-term sickness, or living with disabilities.

Home Secretary James Cleverly emphasized the necessity to halt the influx of cheap labor from overseas, stating, โ€œItโ€™s time to turn off the taps and end the flow of cheap workers from abroad.โ€

โ€œMass migration is unsustainable and itโ€™s simply not fair. It undercuts the wages of hard-working people who are just trying to make ends meet.

โ€œWe are refocusing our immigration system to prioritise the brightest and best who have the skills our economy needs, while reducing overall numbers.

โ€œI promised the British people an immigration system that serves their interests, and to bring numbers down โ€“ these tough measures deliver on that commitment. Employers must also play their part and put British workers first.โ€
While recounting the previous reforms to reduce migration, the UK said, โ€œIn January, the government ended the ability of nearly all postgraduate students to bring dependants to the UK.

โ€œA drastic fall in student dependant applications is expected this year, with early indications already of this downward trend.โ€
