
Meta to start labeling AI-generated content in May

The social media juggernaut added that it would no longer remove manipulated images and audio that donโ€™t otherwise break its rules, relying instead on labelling and contextualisation, to not infringe on freedom of speech.

The changes come as a response to criticism from the tech giantโ€™s oversight board, which independently reviews Metaโ€™s content moderation decisions.

The board in February requested that Meta urgently overhaul its approach to manipulated media given the huge advances in AI and the ease of manipulating media into highly convincing deepfakes.

The boardโ€™s warning came amid fears of rampant misuse of AI-powered applications for disinformation on platforms in a pivotal election year not only in the United States but worldwide.

Metaโ€™s newย โ€œMade with AIโ€ labels will identify content created or altered with AI, including video, audio, and images.

Additionally, a more prominent label will be used for content deemed at high risk of misleading the public.

โ€œWe agree that providing transparency and additional context is now the better way to address this content,โ€ Metaโ€™s Vice President of Content Policy, Monika Bickert said in a blog post.

โ€œThe labels will cover a broader range of content in addition to the manipulated content that the Oversight Board recommended labeling,โ€ she added.

These new labelling techniques are linked to an agreement made in February among major tech giants and AI players to crack down on manipulated content intended to deceive voters.

Meta, Google and OpenAI had already agreed to use a common watermarking standard that would tag images generated by their AI applications.

โ€“ Biden deepfakes โ€“

Meta said its rollout will occur in two phases with AI-generated content labeling beginning in May 2024, while the removal of manipulated media solely based on the old policy will cease in July.

According to the new standard, content, even if manipulated with AI, will remain on the platform unless it violates other Community Standards, such as those prohibiting hate speech or voter interference.

Recent examples of convincing AI deepfakes have only heightened worries about the easily accessible technology.

The boardโ€™s list of requests was part of its review of Metaโ€™s decision to leave a manipulated video of US President Joe Biden online last year.

The video showed Biden voting with his adult granddaughter but was manipulated to falsely appear that he inappropriately touched her chest.

In a separate incident, a robocall impersonation of Biden pushed out to tens of thousands of voters and urged people to not cast ballots in the New Hampshire primary.

In Pakistan, the party of former prime minister Imran Khan has used AI to generate speeches from their jailed leader.