Sheriffdeen Tella

Nigeria’s economy is open, fragile and susceptible

Today, all economies in the world are open to each other. Thanks to globalisation which makes the practice of autarky impossible. Japan and China, at different periods and levels of development, were able to close their economies with little interaction with the rest of the world. That is what autarky is all about. The depth and extent of globalisation and information technology presently would make such policy unworkable. However, a country can minimise its level or degree of openness and shock intensity if it can produce a large proportion of what it consumes and consumes what it produces. Such an economy is not highly susceptible to external shocks.

The recent deleterious effects of massive exchange rate depreciation on inflation and cost of living in Nigeria are indicative of the susceptibility of the economy to both domestic and external shocks. This calls for caution on the types of policies the Central Bank of Nigeria and the Ministry of Finance must formulate and implement in the short-to-medium term. Theoretically, inflation in countries can be caused by demand pull, cost push, monetary factors, or structural issues. Only an aspect of structural issues raised by the Latin American School of Economics identified a shortage of foreign currencies for the importation of raw materials as a causal factor of inflation in developing countries.

Of course, economists also talk about imported inflation which is inflation arising from imported goods from inflation-prone countries but that could be limited to some products, not all products such that it may not lead to a general rise in prices. There is no explicit theoretical linkage for inflation caused by foreign exchange depreciation or instability as observed in Nigeria in the last few months. We can only imply such linkage to inflation caused by price expectation or refer to it as a hypothesis. To that extent, the claim that economic subject matter is dynamic and varies by situation and possibly by country is tenable.

The implications are that there is a need to understand the peculiarities of countries, and economic policy prescription should be country-specific in many cases. Thus, economic managers in each country cannot rely on policy elsewhere to tackle their economic problems. Relying on economic prescriptions from the World Bank and International Monetary Fund by developing countries, particularly African countries with various structural economic distortions, is unhealthy for these countries and unprofessional for the economic managers of those countries.

Economic managers in Nigeria or even in Africa and other developing economies must rely on outcomes of research in their countries in formulating economic policies and researchers in these countries must be seen to monitor and introduce newly observed factors in their econometric analysis. The World Bank and IMF policies are based on neoclassical doctrines of laissez-faire and market mechanism while developing countries’ structures are largely Keynesian. If wrong doses of policies are applied, the economy could throw up and new quick, appropriate medication must be applied to prevent disaster as recently witnessed with the merging of the exchange rates without adequate preparation or as witnessed with Emefiele’s cashless policy.

The Tinubu government must be cautious of applying the World Bank/IMF crisis-prone economic policies with market forces flavour. Just after being able to temporarily salvage the naira from total collapse and inflation from getting to the hyperinflation stage, the removal of subsidy on electricity was introduced in addition to restrictive monetary policy. Both policies can keep the prices going up again because they affect production costs. The IMF continues to push its non-subsidy policies to developing countries when all sorts of subsidies or welfare packages exist in the advanced economies they indirectly represent.

The two institutions were established in a Bretton Woods conference in 1944 to solve the development and financial problems in the war-ravaged areas of Europe. Economic textbooks tell us that they have since metamorphosed into institutions caring for all economies around the world. The World Bank has extended lots of funds into development projects in developing countries to lift their people out of poverty while the IMF has also always kept the trade and finance environment conducive to credit extension. Between them, they offer economic advice which may or may not be able to solve country-specific problems. Such advice, like any advice, is supposed to be evaluated for adoption or rejection. Sometimes, such advice includes subtle threats or manipulative tones, particularly when attached to credit availability or loans, which are the speciality of African countries.

Many times, these Bretton Woods institutions have prescribed wrong advice based on wrong premises. For example, the economic disaster that followed most African countries that adopted, wholesale, Structural Adjustment Programmes in the 1980s. The institutions do not support any economic action that impedes the workings of the market forces even when they are aware of the failure of the market forces from the time of the great depression in 1929 and the intervention solution introduced by John Maynard Keynes in 1936.

Inflation in Nigeria since 2022, which was after the COVID-19 pandemic-induced price hike, has been caused more by falling domestic outputs due to low productivity, insecurity, high cost of borrowing, high cost of energy, unfavourable macroeconomic policies, and the inability of money to play its basic transaction roles, among others. In the last seven months, and particularly in the last three months, the major factors are the shortage of foreign exchange to import raw materials, exchange rate instability, and massive depreciation due to the activities of speculators. We can all see that the CBN’s action against the speculators has not only stopped speculation and depreciation but has resulted in the appreciation of the currency against the world’s key currencies. In a typical Nigerian way, despite the appreciation of the naira, the prices refused to decelerate as rapidly as they went up. Do the Bretton Woods institutions understand why this should be so? If we follow their doctrine, the prices should have gone down drastically but not so in our context.

In October 2023, I advised the CBN to investigate the cause of the rapid and massive depreciation of the naira, as it was not due to importation but a speculative attack. I wrote: “But what is causing the massive depreciation of the naira? Definitely, it is not because of the importation of raw materials. The CBN must find out why. I can hazard a guess for the CBN benefits. Firstly, it is the issue of speculative attacks on the market. The oil subsidy mafia has moved into the forex market with their massive wealth to speculate on the forex market…..” It took almost five months for the CBN to detect the main culprits as activities of the cryptocurrency businesses like Binance, Forextime, OctaFX, and others.

The economic and political pressures, including massive protests against economic management engineered by the speculative attack, clearly show that the Nigerian economy is open to attack from within and outside; it is fragile and needs policies that will direct it toward maturity and stability. The recent recapitalisation policy of banks by the CBN is a policy towards achieving such stability. Financial stability is important for macroeconomic stability. A solid financial base would necessarily find it easy to play funding roles for the production sector of the economy.

However, the CBN needs to monitor the activities of the banks. They restrict currency circulation. The money we cannot collect from ATMs is found in the hands of POS operators. It is as if there is collusion between the bank officials and the operators who, expectedly, charge customers for services rendered. Restricting money from performing its traditional functions of medium of exchange and unit of account by these nefarious actions of banks affects consumer spending which is necessary for encouraging production, employment generation, and government revenue from personal and corporate taxes.

The real or production sector that will be the ultimate beneficiary of banks’ consolidation requires, for now, protection and support from the activities of the CBN and fiscal side. The government must introduce policies that will aid domestic production, including giving time-bound subsidies in the form of providing direct credits, restricting imports, tax relief, and participating in production through specialised banks like the Bank of Industry, Bank of Agriculture and Federal Mortgage Bank; making sure the industrial sector depends largely on domestic inputs for production, with a steady and affordable power supply. These are achievable over time with a deliberate national economic plan. For now, our production sector is underdeveloped, immature and fragile.