star trek discovery tng progenitors

Star Trek: Discovery’s TNG Connection Explained – "The Chase" & Who Are The Progenitors?

WARNING: This article contains SPOILERS for Star Trek: Discovery season 5, episodes 1 & 2!

Star Trek: Discovery season 5 is a surprising sequel to the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode “The Chase”, continuing the story of the enigmatic Progenitors 800 years after they were discovered by Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart). As Discovery is set 800 years after the TNG era, it can often feel forced when the show tries to marry up these two ends of the Star Trek timeline. However, the magnitude of Picard’s discovery about the Progenitors justifies the secret being hidden for centuries, and it could have fascinating implications for the future of Star Trek‘s 32nd century.

Star Trek: Discovery season 5, episode 1, “Red Directive” opens with Captain Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) exploring an 800-year-old Romulan scout ship at the behest of Dr. Kovich (David Cronenberg). Kovich was less forthcoming than usual with information about the USS Discovery’s “Red Directive” mission, forcing Burnham to seek help from Lt. Sylvia Tilly (Mary Wiseman) in learning more. Tilly uncovered recordings left by the Romulan scientist Dr. Vellek (Michael Copeman), revealing Discovery‘s links to Star Trek: The Next Generation‘s original Progenitor treasure hunt, led by Captain Picard.

In Star Trek: The Next Generation season 6, episode 20, “The Chase”, Picard’s former archeology teacher, Professor Galen (Norman Lloyd) asked the Enterprise captain to join him in solving a 4.5 billion-year-old mystery. Picard initially declined Galen’s offer, but circumstances forced him to reconsider when his mentor’s shuttle was attacked. Galen left behind files that contained huge blocks of numbers that were indecipherable without further information. Picard had the Enterprise retrace Galen’s journey in the hope of finding out more about the archeology professor’s strange code.

Eventually, Dr. Beverly Crusher (Gates McFadden) discovered that the numbers refer to DNA strands of multiple different alien species. The combined strands form a shape that resembles an algorithm, a program implanted in the DNA of multiple species, for reasons unknown. It quickly became clear that Picard was not the only person seeking answers about Galen’s mystery, as the Cardassians and Klingons also sought to understand what this ancient program could be. Negotiating a truce between the two factions, Picard and Crusher gained enough information to lead the Enterprise, Cardassians, Klingons, and Romulans to the planet Vilmor II, where they make a monumental discovery.

The treasure on Vilmor II was knowledge about life itself, delivered via a holographic message left behind by an ancient humanoid species. The sole humanoid species in the universe, these aliens wanted to leave a lasting legacy after their own extinction. And so, 4.5 billion years earlier, the ancient humanoids seeded their DNA across multiple planets in the Star Trek universe, influencing the evolution of countless species. Star Trek: Discovery reveals that since Picard revealed his findings, Starfleet have been calling the ancient humanoid species The Progenitors.

Not unlike the broken treasure map from Star Trek: Discovery season 5, episode 2, “Under the Twin Moons”, the Progenitors’ message was broken into fragments and contained within multiple alien species’ DNA. The Progenitors’ intention was that, upon coming together to piece the fragments together, the disparate alien races would unite under their common origins. Sadly, this wasn’t the case in Star Trek: The Next Generation, as the Klingons and Cardassians refused to believe that they could possibly originate from the same species. However, the Romulans were more thoughtful, setting up Discovery‘s season 5 premiere.

At the end of Star Trek: The Next Generation‘s “The Chase”, Captain Picard discusses the Progenitors’ message with a surprisingly open-minded Romulan commander. The message has had an effect on the Romulan, who tells Picard that he hopes to one day stand alongside humanity as friends. Star Trek: Discovery reveals that one of the members of TNG‘s Romulan landing party, Dr. Vellek, continued to research the Progenitors and eventually found where their ancient technology was hidden. However, Vellek was very aware that such technology could be as deadly as it is profound, and went to extraordinary lengths to hide his findings.

Both the crew of the USS Discovery and intergalactic outlaws Moll (Eve Harlow) and L’ak (Elias Toufexis) have access to Vellek’s journals. However, both parties have very different intentions for the Romulan scientist’s life’s work. Captain Burnham hopes that recovering the Progenitors’ technology will provide a sense of meaning, while Moll and L’ak are attracted by the price tag. Vellek remained hidden for 800 years, until his corpse was discovered in Star Trek: Discovery season 5, which proves just how desperate he was to keep the location of the Progenitors’ technology a secret.

In Star Trek: The Next Generation, the Progenitors had hoped the truth about humanoid life in the galaxy would bring a new era of peace and understanding. However, rather than become inspired by their commonality, the Klingons and Cardassians instead feud with each other, disgusted that they could be somehow genetically related. 800 years later, and in the wake of the hostilities caused by The Burn, the Progenitors’ message could be the very thing that finally unites the galaxy in Star Trek: Discovery‘s finale. However, it may not be that simple.

For one thing, Star Trek: Starfleet Academy will continue the story of the 32nd century, and the Progenitors’ message of commonality will dramatically reduce any sense of conflict in the universe. More interestingly, Dr. Kovich seems to want to get his hands on the technology, not the message. The Progenitors’ technology would allow Starfleet to influence the evolution of other species, power that would set them up among the gods. This feels like too much power for a shifty character like Kovich to possess.

Whoever possesses the Progenitors’ tech in Star Trek: Discovery season 5 has the very building blocks of life itself. In the right hands, that could lead to profound discoveries that lead to renewed peace and prosperity for the Federation in the 32nd century. In the wrong hands, enemies of the Federation could use those building blocks for their own nefarious purposes. That’s a huge concern as Burnham and the crew of the USS Discovery continue their treasure hunt. Sooner or later, Captain Burnham will have to make a choice about how she deals with the legacy of Star Trek: The Next Generation‘s Progenitors.

Star Trek: Discovery streams Thursdays on Paramount+