It’s May, lets dust off that old Justin Timberlake .gif and solve today’s Connections. We actually took a loss on today’s game as a few of the day’s misdirections just got us stuck. But these things happen and you can learn from our mistakes to score yourself a win.
One of the best tips we’ve heard for the game of Connections is to utilize the shuffle button. Oftentimes, words will be placed side by side in a way to trick your brain into thinking they are a correct match. Using that shuffle button immediately when you open up the game will help break that incorrect chain and hopefully get you looking at the connections in a different way. It’s a simple tip, but incredibly effective. If only we listened to our own advice.
Before jumping right into today’s Connections answers, we wanted to provide you the daily category hints in hopes you can still score a win on your own. If it’s not enough though there’s no shame in scrolling down and just looking up the answers. Well, there’s a little shame, but we won’t tell anyone.
We did actually end up scoring the yellow category today, but not after wasting almost all our guesses on some incorrect collection of words completely unrelated to any of today’s categories. POCKET and BUTTON were the initial points that scored us this one, but RIVET took a long while to notice. We were doomed from the beginning with today’s game.
In all honesty, I don’t like today’s green category, and not just because I lost the game and this particular one made me feel dumb. I don’t like it because I don’t understand it and I lost the game today. Okay, so I guess it is those original reasons. I get it NOW, I just didn’t get it back when it mattered. Can we please move on?
WINDOW and DOOR were our undoing. We spent almost every single attempt trying to connect WINDOW with DOOR and every other word that obviously didn’t work together. It was a fruitless attempt that we should have let go of well before the loss came. But sometimes that’s just the way it is.
This was a very clever Connections category. Taking a band name and removing the ‘S’ was something we would have never thought of, but now we can’t stop doing it.
Okay, maybe they don’t all work that way, but you get the idea.
Before you run off to do whatever it is you do, check out these other casual browser-based games. Tell ’em Screen Rant sent ‘ya.