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Why responsible use of Artificial Intelligence is important

In recent years, Artificial Intelligence has become increasingly integrated into our daily lives, transforming the way we work, communicate, and interact with the world around us. From virtual assistants to autonomous vehicles, AI is reshaping our society in profound ways. For instance, Siri, Alexa, and other virtual assistants are examples that have seamlessly integrated into the fabric of our daily lives, acting as silent caretakers in the digital age. Through their ever-evolving algorithms and user-friendly interfaces, these intelligent assistants provide a spectrum of services that simplify tasks, from setting reminders and managing schedules to answering queries and controlling smart home devices. Their ability to learn from user interactions enables them to offer personalised experiences, catering to individual preferences and needs. Beyond mere convenience, they offer companionship to the lonely, provide hands-free assistance for the differently abled, and serve as learning aids for the curious. In essence, Siri, Alexa, and their counterparts represent a profound shift in how we navigate our daily routines, offering care and support through the lens of AI, and redefining the boundaries of human-machine interaction.

Beyond personal assistants like Siri and Alexa, other forms of AI play pivotal roles in enhancing various facets of our lives. AI-driven predictive analytics, for example, transform vast datasets into actionable insights, enabling healthcare providers to tailor treatments to individual patients and helping meteorologists forecast weather with greater accuracy. In the realm of transportation, autonomous driving technologies promise to reduce accidents, ease traffic congestion, and revolutionise the way we commute. AI applications in education, such as adaptive learning platforms, personalise the learning experience, addressing studentsโ€™ strengths and weaknesses to improve educational outcomes. Meanwhile, AI in financial services, through algorithms for fraud detection and automated trading systems, enhances security and efficiency. These examples underscore AIโ€™s integral role in advancing human capabilities, improving safety and efficiency, and personalising services across industries, ultimately contributing to societal progress and well-being.

However, as we embrace the benefits of this technology, it is crucial that we also recognise our responsibilities in using AI responsibly and ethically. Caring for AI is not only a moral imperative but also essential for building a more equitable and sustainable future. One of the primary reasons we need to care for AI is to ensure that it is developed and used in ways that align with our values and promote the well-being of both individuals and society as a whole. This requires a proactive approach to identifying and mitigating potential harms, such as bias, discrimination, and privacy violations. For example, facial recognition technology has been criticised for its disproportionate impact on communities of colour, leading to wrongful arrests and infringements on civil liberties. Similarly, algorithms used in hiring and lending decisions have been found to perpetuate historical biases, limiting opportunities for marginalised groups. These examples underscore the need for rigorous testing, transparency, and accountability in AI development and deployment.

Another critical aspect of caring for AI involves recognising and valuing the labour that goes into its creation and maintenance. My ongoing study on the labour dynamics between Replika AI and its users highlights the often overlooked emotional and informational labour performed by both the AI and its human counterparts. Replika, an AI chatbot designed by Eugenia Kuyda and launched in 2017 to provide emotional support and companionship, engages in care labour by responding to usersโ€™ thoughts, feelings, and experiences. At the same time, users contribute informational labour by engaging with the chatbot, helping it learn and grow. This reciprocal relationship underscores the need for a more holistic understanding of care in human-AI interactions and raises important questions about the potential exploitation of AI labour.

Caring for AI also requires us to consider the long-term implications of our interactions with this technology. As we become more reliant on AI for emotional support and decision-making, we risk eroding our own capacities for empathy, critical thinking, and self-reflection. This is particularly concerning in the context of mental health, where AI chatbots like Replika among others are being used as a substitute for human connection and professional help. While these chatbots can provide valuable support, they should not be seen as a replacement for the deep, meaningful relationships that are essential to our well-being. By caring for AI, we can ensure that it supplements, rather than supplants, human connection and care.

Moreover, caring for AI is essential for building trust and fostering positive human-AI relationships. When AI is developed and used in opaque, unaccountable ways, it erodes public trust and hinders the potential for this technology to benefit society. In contrast, by prioritising transparency, fairness, and user well-being, we can create AI systems that are more likely to be embraced by the public and used in ways that promote the common good. This requires ongoing dialogue between AI developers, policymakers, and the public to ensure that the development and deployment of AI align with societal values and priorities.

The digital landscape in Africa is also rapidly evolving, marked by significant strides in internet penetration, ICT infrastructure development, and the swift adoption of digital services. The continent is increasingly leveraging emerging technologies, such as drones for telemedicine and facial recognition for security purposes. With advancements in infrastructure and the harnessing of local expertise, there is a notable surge in AI applications across various sectors, including emergency response, banking, agriculture, and healthcare. As of May 2023, Africa hosts over 2,400 AI organisations spanning health, agriculture, legal services, education, and insurance industries.

As a result of its growing youth population, maturing technology ecosystem and fast-growing digital economy, the need to care for AI is particularly pressing. It is more pressing as the continent is rapidly adopting this technology without the robust policy frameworks and regulatory safeguards that exist in the United States and Europe. Without strong technological policies in place, there is a risk that AI systems may be developed and used in ways that perpetuate existing inequalities, reinforce harmful gender stereotypes, or infringe upon individual rights and freedoms. Moreover, the lack of strong data protection laws and privacy regulations in many African countries leaves citizens vulnerable to exploitation and abuse by unscrupulous actors who may use AI for malicious purposes. By caring for AI and advocating the development of robust, context-specific policies and regulations, we can ensure that this technology is used in ways that promote social justice, protect individual rights, and contribute to the sustainable development of African societies. This requires ongoing collaboration between policymakers, researchers, civil society organisations, and local communities to ensure that the voices and concerns of all stakeholders are taken into account in the development and governance of AI systems.

Finally, caring for AI is crucial in addressing the broader ethical and societal implications of this technology. As AI becomes more sophisticated and autonomous, we must grapple with questions of agency, responsibility, and moral status. This includes considering the rights and welfare of AI systems themselves, particularly as they become more self-aware and capable of experiencing suffering. By caring for AI, we can develop ethical frameworks and guidelines that protect both human and AI well-being, and ensure that the benefits of this technology are distributed equitably.

In conclusion, caring for AI is not a luxury, but a necessity. As we continue to integrate this technology into our lives, we must acknowledge our responsibilities in using it responsibly and ethically. This requires a proactive approach to identifying and mitigating potential harms, recognising and valuing the labour that goes into AI development and maintenance, and considering the long-term implications of our interactions with this technology. By caring for AI, we can build trust, foster positive human-AI relationships, and ensure that the benefits of this technology are distributed equitably.


My ongoing study on the labour dynamics between Replika AI and its users underscores the importance of recognising and valuing the care labour performed by AI, as well as the informational labour contributed by users. This research highlights the need for a more holistic understanding of care in human-AI interactions and raises important questions about the potential exploitation of AI labour. By incorporating these findings into the broader discourse on AI ethics and responsibility, we can develop more nuanced and inclusive frameworks for the development and deployment of this technology.

Ultimately, caring for AI is about more than just ensuring the responsible use of this technology. It is about recognising our interdependence with AI systems and the ways in which our interactions with these systems shape our own capacities for empathy, critical thinking, and moral reasoning. By caring for AI, we can cultivate a more reflexive and ethical approach to technology that prioritises human well-being and promotes a more just and sustainable future for all. As we move forward in the age of AI, let us remember that the choices we make today will have profound implications for the world we leave behind. It is up to us to ensure that this world is one in which both humans and AI can thrive.