Warning! Preview pages ahead for Wonder Woman #8!Things are looking bad for Wonder Woman as she’s on the precipice of a moment that could change her life forever. Diana has fought tooth and nail to stop the anti-Amazon hysteria gripping the United States. But will Wonder Woman be able to overcome her newest enemy’s most terrifying plan for Diana?
In a preview for Wonder Woman #8 by Tom King and Daniel Sampere, Diana is in a domestic setting, fretting over accidentally ruining dinner for Steve Trevor. On the surface, Diana seems happy to play housewife. But beneath her Stepford smile, Wonder Woman realizes this life isn’t real.
In reality, Wonder Woman has been taken hostage by the Sovereign, who has bound Diana with his Lasso of Lies. The Sovereign reads from Ephesians, trying to make Wonder Woman submit. Diana’s wrists tear and bleed as she struggles to break the bindings, but Wonder Woman can’t seem to do so.
As the United States became gripped by a wave of bigotry and paranoia towards Amazons, it was secretly fomented by the country’s secret king, the Sovereign. However, as Wonder Woman defied the Sovereign’s campaign, he made it his personal mission to break her. When the United States Army failed to take down Diana, the Sovereign had his top commander Sgt. Steel go out and recruit Wonder Woman’s greatest villains. After bringing them all together, the villains attacked Diana at the Washington Monument. It took effort, but the team succeeded in capturing Wonder Woman for the Sovereign.
This is an extremely uncomfortable moment for Wonder Woman. It’s Diana’s first time facing off against her newest enemy and he’s close to breaking her spirit. It’s not unlike the first time Superman took on Doomsday or Batman’s infamous fight with Bane. Both of those moments were pivotal moments in those heroes’ lives that showed how even the toughest heroes can break. Wonder Woman is already exhausted from her fight with her villains, and she appears to be losing the will to destroy her bonds. Is Wonder Woman about to experience a similar humbling defeat like Batman and Superman?
Superman was killed and Batman’s back was broken. While both events were arduous things for the heroes to overcome, they eventually did and came back stronger than ever. Given how solicitations for future issues imply Wonder Woman’s not shaking off the mental manipulation anytime soon, the Sovereign and Diana’s first match is going to end in her biggest defeat yet. But just as Clark conquered death, so will Diana eventually regain control of her mind. While it’s a terrifying sight to see Wonder Woman encountering her own Doomsday-liked defeat, she’ll no doubt come back stronger and ultimately defeat the Sovereign.
Wonder Woman #8 is available on April 16th from DC Comics.