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How to Write a Perfect Poem For Natsuki in Doki Doki Literature Club Plus

Given the wide success of their horror dating sim featuring Natsuki, Monika, Sayori, and Yuri, it’s expected that Team Salvato would expand on that success with Doki Doki Literature Club Plus. With six new side stories and tons of new unlockable content, players have lots of new content to look forward to in the Literature Club, including its origin story.

As expected in the literature club, you will need to write poems; if you hope to impress a specific girl, you will need to write poems that match her preferences. Natsuki, the stubbornly cute manga-loving member of the Literature Club, is a little more complex than the dark and moody Yuri, but with a bit of listening, you can woo anyone you choose.

Doki Doki Literature Club Plus will automatically prompt you when it is time to write a poem for the next Literature Club meeting. In these sections, you will not need to come up with things on your own. Instead, you will be forced to choose words from a pre-generated word bank. For those hoping to impress Natsuki, she prefers sweet and cutesy words, so it should be easy to weed out which words sheโ€™ll like most.

However, for those having a little trouble, here are the words she will favor:

If you manage to construct a poem that consists entirely of these words, you will be able to receive the Perfect! Natsuki achievement. Note that deviating from this list will result in results that Natsuki will not be a fan of and could even lead you to earn the favor of another girl altogether. Since many of the girls have several overlapping favorite words, it can be easy to mix up their preferred words or even accidentally write neutral poems in Doki Doki Literature Club+.

While choosing the right words can be slightly confusing at first, knowing the general type of words each girl likes should make it easier to write a poem they will enjoy without needing to constantly reference a list. Writing poems for her and choosing the right dialogue options will let players go down Natsukiโ€™s game route and woo her in Doki Doki Literature Club Plus, so be sure to stay focused if you hope to win her over.

Source: YouTube/ EchoTango