In the distant future, Vision assumes his ultimate form, and it was made for live action–however, it may be too ambitious for the MCU. The android Vision has been a pillar of the Avengers since his introduction nearly 60 years ago. In a future timeline, depicted in Avengers AI #11, the Vision has achieved a powerful new form, one that would make for impressive visuals in live-action.
Avengers AI #11, written by Sam Humphries and drawn by Andre Lima Araujo, shows a distant future, one ruled over by the Avengers Empire. The seat of the Empire is in a massive, solar-system sized ship. It is revealed that this enormous spacecraft is actually the Vision, and this is his ultimate form.
Calling himself the “President-Intelligence,” the Vision is both the leader, and the home base, of the Avengers Empire.
This new Vision creates human-sized versions of himself to interact with lesser beings, such as Captain Alexis, who seeks the Vision’s help.
After decades as a Marvel icon, the Vision made his live-action debut in Avengers: Age of Ultron, played by Paul Bettany. Vision would appear in other MCU outings, including Captain America: Civil War and Avengers: Infinity War, where he seemingly met his end. Vision returned with an all-white appearance in WandaVision, but has not been seen since that program ended. Much like his comic book counterpart, the MCU’s Vision has kept a largely consistent look. While there has been no official word if Vision will be returning, he is once again a member of the Avengers in the comics.
Vision’s new form and status quo, as depicted in Avengers AI #11, is the capstone to the character’s time as an Avenger. The Vision joined the team not long after its first appearance, and was a member in good standing for many years. While on the team, he met the Scarlet Witch, who would become his first and greatest love. The Avengers gave Vision a sense of self and belonging, and in the future he returns the favor by protecting and guiding the Avengers Empire. Vision’s ultimate future form brings his character arc full circle.
However, as awe-inspiring as the Vision’s ultimate form is, it may be too ambitious for the MCU. The Vision’s current status in the MCU is nebulous, so finding a way to convincingly bring him back would be a challenge. Creating a compelling and realistic backstory for the Vision’s new form could pose a challenge as well. Avengers AI was set in the far distant future, an area the MCU has yet to venture towards. This is unfortunate, as modern filmmaking technology could bring the Vision’s ultimate form to life, and give him a new purpose in the MCU.
Avengers AI #11 is available to read on Marvel Unlimited.