imagery from unsfrosted

Who Those Two Kids Are Supposed To Be In Unfrosted Are They Based On Real People?

Netflix’s Unfrosted featured two kids, Butchie and Kathy, who might be based on real people. The Unfrosted cast, which was led by Jerry Seinfeld, chronicles the battle between Post and Kellogg’s to make a revolutionary breakfast pastry. Since Unfrosted is loosely based on real life events, it features characters like Bob Cabana, who was inspired by Pop-Tarts’ developer, William Post.

Butchie and Kathy are initially introduced in Unfrosted when Bob Cabana finds them eating a gooey substance in one of Post’s dumpsters. Since the two kids regularly eat the food in the dumpsters, they’re the first to discover that Post was trying to develop a breakfast pastry. Throughout Unfrosted, Butchie and Kathy become instrumental to the development of Kellogg’s Pop-Tarts because they offer Bob insight into how he can make a breakfast pastry that can revolutionize the market. Seeing that Unfrosted has at least some basis in reality, it’s possible that Kathy and Butchie are inspired by real people.

Chances are, Butchie and Kathy from Unfrosted are based in some way on Dan and Rachel Post, the children of the Pop-Tart’s developer, William Post. Just like Dan and Rachel, Kathy and Butchie were the first kids to taste the Pop-Tart. Over the course of Unfrosted’s story, the two kids give Bob their unbiased opinions about the breakfast pastry’s taste, texture, and name, influencing his next steps.

In rea-life, William Post had enlisted the help of his son and daughter in perfecting the Pop-Tart. The Post children served as the unofficial taste-testers and gave their father feedback until the breakfast pastry was ready and tasty enough for public consumption. Unfrosted highlights the role that the Post children played in the creation of the Pop-Tart by having Butchie and Kathy fill the same roles as Dan and Rachel for Bob Cabana. In an interview with NPR, Dan Post described the process, saying, “And the first ones – I have to tell you – were not great. So we would kind of pull up our nose.

Due to their father playing an integral part in the development of the Pop-Tart, Dan and Rachel Post were invited to the movie’s premiere in Los Angeles. The Post family met the cast and spent a few minutes with Jerry Seinfeld, who, according to the family, was “very gracious” [via Glen Arbor Sun.] They were also presented with souvenirs such as popcorn boxes featuring the cast and Pop-Tarts. Sadly, William Post died of heart failure on February 24, 2024, but his two kids think he would have loved Unfrosted.

Sources: NPR, Glen Arbor Sun