
Paving the Way to a Safer and More Accessible Liberia

This article is sponsored by BIDC

EBIDโ€™s substantial commitment of nearly US$2 billion to infrastructure projects is undeniably reshaping the ECOWAS region. This endeavour encompasses fostering connectivity, brightening lives with rural electri๏ฌcation and sustainable energy initiatives, and propelling progress through strategic power infrastructure projects.

Within the Republic of Liberia, a remarkable milestone has been achieved with the construction of 51 kilometres of roads in selected communities and neighbourhoods in Monrovia and its environs. These roads are ushering in a new era of easier, safer, and more reliable access for the movement of people and goods.

Financed by EBID, the construction of these 51 kilometres of all-weather access roads in 29 communities and neighbourhoods has had a profound impact on the quality of life for Liberians. A total of 26 newly constructed roads, designed to last for 15 years and can accommodate a maximum axle load of 13 tons, with a design speed of 80 kilometres per hour, have signi๏ฌcantly improved the transportation landscape. Travel time has been dramatically reduced, the cost of operating vehicles has decreased, and overall transport expenses have seen a marked decline. Notably, the construction of these roads has resulted in a signi๏ฌcant reduction in average daily traffic, a testament to their effectiveness.

These newly constructed roads are not just about accessibility; they are a feat of impressive architectural design that promises to greatly enhance road safety. 13 of the newly built roads connect to a main alley or collector road with higher traffic volume, while the remaining 19 roads, though not connected to other routes, extend through communities, culminating in a dead end with lower traffic ๏ฌ‚ow. Furthermore, the installation of proper road signs, markings, drainage systems, and pedestrian walkways has instilled a sense of safety and security within the communities.

This road construction project perfectly complements the road infrastructure component of the Pro-poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development set forth by the government of Liberia. It also aligns seamlessly with the medium-term poverty reduction and economic growth strategy for 2018-2023. Thanks to EBIDโ€™s unwavering sup.port, the project areas in Monrovia are ๏ฌ‚ourishing, bene๏ฌting from a network of safe road infrastructure.


Inter-city traffic is ๏ฌ‚owing smoothly, and commerce is thriving, transcending the boundaries of the project areas, and thereby strengthening the integration of communities and neighbourhoods.

In essence, EBIDโ€™s commitment to the betterment of Liberiaโ€™s infrastructure is making signi๏ฌcant strides in fostering safety, accessibility, and economic prosperity, propelling Liberia toward a brighter future.