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Terrorists Kill 34 Worshippers in Yobe

In a tragic attack on Sunday, suspected Boko Haram terrorists reportedly killed 34 worshippers during evening prayers in Mafa village, located in Tarmuwa Local Government Area of Yobe State.

The attack, which occurred during the Maghrib prayer, was reported by Zagazola Makama, a counter-insurgency publication that focuses on the Lake Chad region.

According to the publication, the terrorists stormed the village and opened fire indiscriminately on the worshippers.

In a disturbing turn of events, the terrorists reportedly rigged the bodies of the deceased with Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs), creating a deadly trap for any first responders or security personnel who might approach the scene.

Additionally, the assailants laid multiple explosives along the path to the village, targeting potential military reinforcements.

Intelligence sources informed Zagazola Makama that the attack may have been a retaliation for the communityโ€™s failure to pay โ€œterrorist dues.โ€

As of the time of this report, Yobe State authorities are reportedly planning a mass burial for the victims.

However, Yobe government spokespersons have not yet provided any comments on the incident.

On Sunday, Dungus Abdulkarim, the Yobe State Police spokesperson, confirmed the attack, stating that gunmen suspected to be Boko Haram insurgents had looted and set ablaze shops and houses in Mafa village.

Abdulkarim mentioned that an unspecified number of people were killed in the attack and that the attackers had also left behind fliers containing Arabic inscriptions.

This latest attack adds to the ongoing security challenges in Yobe State and the broader northeastern region of Nigeria, where Boko Haram and other insurgent groups have continued to perpetrate violence against civilians.