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Medical, Dental Consultants Issue 21-Day Strike Notice Over Unmet Demands

Kehinde Fajobi

The Medical and Dental Consultants Association of Nigeria (MDCAN) has given a 21-day strike notice to stakeholders, demanding the resolution of its long-standing issues. Failure to meet these demands, according to MDCAN, will lead to the withdrawal of services by its members, who are holders of Medical and Dental Fellowships.

This was revealed in a statement issued at the end of MDCANโ€™s extraordinary virtual National Executive Council (NEC) meeting, signed by the associationโ€™s President, Prof. Aminu Mohammad, and Secretary, Prof. Daiyabu Ibrahim.

โ€œNEC resolves that any unlawful and discriminatory posture toward holders of Medical and Dental Fellowship qualifications will no longer be tolerated,โ€ the statement said.

The association expressed frustration over the exclusion of Medical and Dental Fellows from the position of Vice Chancellor, stating that universities must recognize these fellowships as equivalent to PhDs.

MDCAN also called on the government to harmonise the retirement age of medical consultants to 70 years and to complete the process of aligning Clinical Medical Lecturersโ€™ emoluments with the Consolidated Medical Salary Structure (CONMESS).

The NEC commended members for taking legal actions against discriminatory .s that disenfranchise medical lecturers from university administration.