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Oversized attire as a kid inspires man to become a tailor (IMAGES)

A tailor has shared the inspirational story behind his career choice, revealing a childhood photo of himself wearing an oversized outfit. 471742589 8818970621546618 4545948708936417275 n 1080

Given a specific garment tailored for him as a child, the man @dandy_stylez disclosed that his decision to pursue a career in tailoring was motivated by the oversized outfit.

In the latter clip, the man wore an oversized two-piece costume, which may have reflected his parentsโ€™ growing approval of him over the years. The tailor who created his childhood garments chose to embarrass him with it, he said. 470920245 8678617665597813 5154510990158775215 n 470920245 8678617665597813 5154510990158775215 n 1080

His outfit has sparked hilarious remarks with many claiming the tailor followed his parentsโ€™ instructions while others suggested he had a valid reason to pursue tailoring.

See reactions below,

@christiana.alade.39 Something your mum asked the tailor to sew that you will grow into it ๐Ÿ˜‚

@thekingsoga Your parents did you dirtyโ€ฆ Tailor followed their order

@weightlossproducts9ja In your early birth Days bro, that was the reigning style. Not like any one did you di!rty. Years to come, this your current style will look di!rty made in the coming generations sight.

@theemotunrayo Buba and palazzo with a touch of off shoulder ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

@kizzy_nas Na raincoat you wear so ๐Ÿ˜‚? Ehn them really do you bad.