
Man vǝnts frustrat!on after bur!al party food sharer gave him 3 akara balls instead of 5 (VIDEO)

A comical Nigerian content creator, @asconta_nishola__ shares a funny episode he had when he attended a burial party in his neighborhood.

Relating this in a video, the guy in the Yoruba dialect narrated how he noticed a burial anniversary going on and decided to join so he could eat a free meal.

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After saying his condolences to whom he assumed was the host, he was directed to get the local akara balls served by Mama Risi, the food manager.

But to his disappointment and fury, the server gave him three akara balls instead of the five they gave to others. This he told the host who in turn specifically instructed Mummy Risi to do right by him.

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The guy took to cussing the food sharer who looked down on him. This hilarious tale has netizens commenting:

skinfinity.ng: Mummy risi too dey package to naggage ni😂😂😂😂u suppose shook finger for iya risi eyes ni

tayo_d_grandstar: Na that mummy risi Dey overdo 😹

olugbenga_: Mummy risi ti ya werey😂

dj_mighty01: Lowkey, eleribu kan ni boboyii naa 😂😂 I can’t wait for the werey to turn celeb 😂

Watch his video as you scroll,

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