
A message to young ladies

Make sure that whatever you are doing to get by in these times is not something that will throw your future self into perpetual regret. When times are tough and uncertain, most of us focus on survival without paying attention to the consequences of the means we employ to achieve our aims.

No questionable means ever leads to a joyful outcome when the chips are down. Therefore, it is important to understand that certain choices are like storing regrets in the freezer for the future.

The times are hard, I admit. But be sensible and move with moderation in all you do.

Considering the level of shamelessness some young ladies who call themselves content creators display on social media, my concern is no longer about the homes they come from but the kind of future they think awaits them.

Dear young lady, the three things you must never lose, no matter how hard the times push you, are dignity, integrity, and modesty—because those are the core of wholesome feminine energy. There is no harmony in any life where they are absent, even if material success is abundant.

In fact, the consequences of losing those three attributes will become very clear to you only when regret is already at your doorstep in the future.

I hear of the numerous nasty things young ladies subject themselves to these days to make ends meet, and I am here to tell you that ends can still be met without mortgaging your mental health and essence in the process.

Can your friends still trust you, or have you sold your conscience to materialism?

Are there still moral lines in your life that you dare not cross for money?

Do not throw your values to the dogs because of how trying the times have become.

My dear, challenging times come and go, but the aftermath of your choices stays with you for life.

Embrace modesty in your life choices so that you do not live in fear of your own shadow in the future.

A happy life is one in which you are not looking back in regret or trepidation!

Make sure you are waking up to the pursuit of dreams and goals that will improve your life and develop you, rather than waking up in hotels. You are not going to be young forever. Therefore, the best use of your time and energy is directing them towards the future you envision for yourself.

Opportunities will come knocking when you least expect them, and the best way to keep yourself ready at all times is to avoid deeds that can jeopardise the progress a wise use of your time can bring.

One such mistake is falling pregnant when you are not financially stable, or engaging in risky sexual encounters. A baby in the picture—when you are ill-prepared for the responsibilities—will drag you several steps back in unimaginable ways. Very few are able to get back on course after such a disruption.

Guard your mental health at all costs. The most important way to do this is by being cautious of the experiences you expose yourself to.

The damage from certain experiences is hard to fully recover from in a lifetime.

When your mental health is not what it should be, maintaining wholesome relationships with others becomes nearly impossible—because you do not even have such a relationship with yourself. You cannot offer others what you do not possess.

What am I saying?

  • Not every invitation should be honoured.
  • Not every enticing offer should be accepted.
  • Not everyone should have access to your body.
  • No matter how lonely you feel, not every relationship is worth pursuing.
  • Not every friendship is healthy for you.
  • Not every lifestyle should be embraced.

You do not need to “put your head” first before realising that a setting—no matter how tempting—is not good for you. The damage it may cause could be irreparable, even in a lifetime.

Many sad tales emanating from relationships exist because they are filled with people who need healing—from regrettable choices—first and foremost.

You can have the world in the palm of your hand!

Yes, your life can turn out more beautifully than you can ever imagine.

Again, that largely depends on the choices you make with your time and your body.

The hardship of today does not have to rob you of a happier tomorrow—if you know where you are going.

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