I Almost Didn’t Make It” – Bambam Recounts Terrifying Childbirth Experience

- Bambam, discussed her traumatic childbirth experience.
- She highlighted serious issues related to postpartum care and medical negligence.
- During childbirth, she faced life-threatening complications: kidney failure, weakened heart, and liver shutdown.
Reality TV star and actress Bambam has opened up about her traumatic childbirth experience, drawing attention to critical issues surrounding postpartum care and medical negligence.
Speaking on a recent episode of Me and My Girls on Fertitude, Bambam revealed that she faced life-threatening complications during childbirth. She disclosed that her kidney began to fail, her heart weakened, and her liver started shutting down.
Additionally, she shared that her daughter had detached from the placenta, a condition that could have led to a stillbirth if there had been further delays in reaching the hospital.
Despite the ordeal, Bambam expressed deep gratitude for the medical intervention that ultimately saved both her and her daughter’s lives. Her story serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of timely medical care and improved postpartum support for mothers.
“My kidney failed, my heart became weak, my liver, everything was just shutting down. She had detached from the placenta; if I was a second late, she would have lost oxygen, and I would have had a stillbirth. Every time I look at her, I just say ‘what if’. That word tormented me; what if the doctor wasn’t attentive? What if the nurse didn’t do her due diligence? It haunted me for a while, I had to get therapy to walk me through being grateful”, she said.