
The Pathway to Righteousness: God’s Design for Family and Relationships, By Isaac Megbolugbe


(March 12, 2025) The Bible is clear that God’s statutes, or laws, are designed to guide us towards a life of righteousness, peace, joy, and fruitfulness. One of the key areas where this plays out is in our relationships, particularly within the family. In this article, we’ll explore God’s design for family and relationships, and how it provides a pathway to righteousness in contrast to the destructive consequences of human empowerment ideologies.

God’s Design for Family

The family is one of the building blocks of society, and God created it as a fundamental unit of human relationships. The Bible defines the family as a husband (man), wife (woman), and their children, all living together in a household (Genesis 2:24, Ephesians 5:22-33). God is intimately involved with each member of the family, and He has established clear roles and responsibilities for each one.

The Husband’s Role

The husband is commanded to love his wife as Christ loves the church (Ephesians 5:25-33). This means loving her selflessly, sacrificially, and unconditionally. The husband is also responsible for leading his family in a godly way, providing for their physical and spiritual needs.

The Wife’s Role

The wife is commanded to respect her husband and submit to his authority as unto the Lord (Ephesians 5:22-24). This does not mean that the wife is inferior to the husband, but rather that she is called to play a unique role in the family. The wife is also responsible for helping her husband and caring for their children.

Mutual Submission

Both the husband and wife are called to mutually submit to each other and to the authority of God (Ephesians 5:21). This means recognizing that both partners have different roles and responsibilities, but that they are equal in value and worth before God.

The Consequences of Human Empowerment Ideologies

In contrast to God’s design for family and relationships, human empowerment ideologies such as patriarchy, feminism, womanism and alternative lifestyles have led to destructive consequences. These ideologies have created a culture of strife, grievances, frustrations, and upheaval, where men and women are pitted against each other in a battle for power and control.

The Pathway to Righteousness

The pathway to righteousness is not found in human empowerment ideologies, but rather in God’s design for family and relationships. When we follow God’s statutes and live according to His design, we experience a life of righteousness, peace, joy, and fruitfulness. This is not a life of restriction or oppression, but rather a life of freedom and fulfillment.


In conclusion, God’s design for family and relationships provides a pathway to righteousness that is far superior to human empowerment ideologies. By following God’s statutes and living according to His design, we can experience a life of righteousness, peace, joy, and fruitfulness. Let us reject the destructive consequences of human empowerment ideologies and instead choose the pathway of righteousness, which is the way of learning, discovery, growth, transformation, and development.

The Basics: First things first

So, what’s the way forward? How can we begin to rebuild our families and relationships according to God’s design?

The Promise of God’s Design

When we follow God’s design for family and relationships, we can experience a life of righteousness, peace, joy, and fruitfulness. We can build strong, healthy relationships that bring glory to God and blessing to ourselves and others.


In conclusion, God’s design for family and relationships provides a pathway to righteousness that is far superior to human empowerment ideologies. By following God’s statutes and living according to His design, we can experience a life of righteousness, peace, joy, and fruitfulness. Let us reject the destructive consequences of human empowerment ideologies and instead choose the pathway of righteousness, which is the way of learning, discovery, growth, transformation, and development.

As we seek to rebuild our families and relationships according to God’s design, let us remember that it’s a journey, not a destination. Let us be patient, kind, and compassionate with one another, seeking to live out God’s design in practical ways. And let us always remember that God’s design is not restrictive, but rather liberating, leading us to a life of righteousness, peace, joy, and fruitfulness.

Humanity Needs a Reset: A New Era of Relationships

As we embark on this journey of rebuilding our families and relationships according to God’s design, we are entering a new era of relationships. An era marked by mutual respect, trust, and submission. An era where men and women work together as equal partners, each contributing their unique gifts and strengths. In this new era, we will see families that are strong, healthy, and thriving. We will see marriages that are built on a foundation of love, trust, and mutual submission. We will see children who are raised in a nurturing environment, where they are taught the values of love, respect, and obedience.

A Call to Community

As we strive to rebuild our families and relationships according to God’s design, we recognize that we cannot do it alone. We need the support and encouragement of our community. We urge you to join us in this effort. Let us work together to create a community that values and supports healthy families and relationships. Let us provide a safe and nurturing environment where men, women, and children can grow and thrive.

A Brighter Future is Possible

As we look to the future, we are filled with hope and excitement. We know that the journey ahead will not be easy, but we are confident that with God’s guidance and wisdom, we can overcome any obstacle. We know any endeavor that seek to exclude God will be futile. The fruits of our collective hindsight show that the battle of the gender was always a Luciferian project. Humanity needs to break off this self-delusion and reaffirm our humanity as a unified, interconnected, interdependent community fully dependent on God, our creator and redeemer. We envision a future where families are strong and healthy, where marriages are built on a foundation of love and mutual submission, and where children are raised in a nurturing environment. Let us work together to create this brighter future, a future that is built on the principles of God’s design for family and relationships.

Challenges and Difficulties Ahead

Complaints of feminists against patriarchy

Feminists have raised several complaints against patriarchy, including:

These complaints highlight the various ways in which patriarchy perpetuates inequality, oppression, and violence against women and other marginalized groups. These complaints need to be acknowledged and transformed into both a strategic and operational agenda of reform and transformation. They do not constitute a righteous stand to empower women to do similar  wrongs that men are doing to women.

The rebuttals of feminist complaints by those who believe in patriarch

Those who believe in patriarchy, or who are skeptical of feminist complaints, may offer the following rebuttals:

It’s essential to note that these rebuttals are not universally accepted and may be subject to counterarguments and criticisms. But there must be a truth and reconciliation platform to surface these complaints and counter complaints, arguments and counterarguments. Both men and women have departed from God’s design for family and relationships which might be the place of common ground to start.

The pleas for womanists who advocate for accommodation of what the feminist complaints

Womanists, who are primarily women of color, may advocate for the accommodation of some feminist complaints while also acknowledging the limitations and biases of mainstream feminist movements. Here are some pleas that womanists might make:

What framework exists that offers compelling case for reconciliation and mutually rewarding future?

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