thrawn tales of the empire and palpatine

The Empire's New Slogan Sets Up A Future Beyond Palpatine – & The Emperor Would Hate It

Star Wars’ thrilling upcoming Disney+ TV show Star Wars: Tales of The Empire has introduced a new Imperial motto and with it a clear allegiance—both of which would severely displease Emperor Palpatine. Star Wars shockingly revealed that a brand-new show, Tales of the Empire, will be released on Star Wars Day, May 4, 2024. Seemingly a replacement for Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi, Tales of the Empire will feature dark-side users rather than Jedi.

Presumably, Tales of the Empire will follow the structure of Tales of the Jedi, which focused on two Jedi (Ahsoka Tano and Count Dooku) each with a three-episode arc. Tales of the Empire seems primed to center on Ahsoka’s nemesis Barriss Offee, an ex-Jedi Padawan from Star Wars: The Clone Wars, and Nightsister descendant Morgan Elsbeth, who was most recently seen trying to restore Grand Admiral Thrawn to power in Ahsoka. However, in the Tales of the Empire trailer, Thrawn himself uttered words that signal a new Imperial slogan pledging allegiance to something other than Emperor Palpatine.

In the Tales of the Empire trailer, Thrawn says, “Long live the Empire,” signaling a new slogan for the Imperial army. Interestingly, this suggests not a loyalty to Palpatine but instead a commitment to the larger system, separate from him. This is a fascinating shift and one that threatens Palpatine’s position of power.

By pledging their allegiance to the Empire writ large, Thrawn and the other Imperials have made it clear that while Palpatine is currently leading the Empire, it is the Empire itself that they are committed to—not him. Of course, this has already played out to some extent in Star Wars, with Thrawn’s return in the Ahsoka season 1 finale revealing Thrawn’s plans to return to the galaxy and re-establish the Empire. However, it nevertheless has fascinating implications for Palpatine’s perception of the Empire and his role in it.

Just as Palpatine said, “I am the Senate” in Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith, it’s clear that he viewed himself as the Empire itself throughout the Dark Times. In fact, The Mandalorian’s reference to Operation: Cinder makes it clear that Palpatine never had any intention of allowing the Empire to survive beyond him. Brutally, Palpatine created Operation: Cinder as a directive to wipe out many remaining Imperial forces in the event of his death.

On the one hand, this is remarkably cruel, but on the other, it’s downright bewildering. This operation proves that Palpatine’s interests were only ever himself, so much so that the entire system he had created was solely to exist as long as he did. In part, this likely stems out of the Sith Lord’s constant awareness that the aim of a Sith apprentice is always to usurp the master. However, this plan goes far beyond that, proving that Palpatine truly believed the Empire was intrinsically and irreparably linked to him.

The Battle of Jakku, referenced throughout Star Wars: The Force Awakens, was meant to shore up this plan, bringing together the New Republic and the Empire to destroy one another. These considerable efforts demonstrate that Palpatine’s objective with the Empire was never to create something that would outlive him; instead, he wanted to rid the galaxy of the possibility that anyone else could take up the helm of his Empire. In light of that, the motto “Long live the Empirewould surely be one that Palpatine violently opposed.

As Star Wars continues to explore storylines throughout the Dark Times and the New Republic Era, it’s clear that many Imperials weren’t invested in Emperor Palpatine. Instead, they wanted to support the larger system. The rhetoric throughout the Tales of the Empire trailer reflects that clearly, with Thrawn asking Morgan Elsbeth what she can offer the Empire (notably, not what she can offer Palpatine). This suggests that the tides had been turning against Palpatine long before his demise in Return of the Jedi.

It will be particularly interesting to see how that plays out in Tales of the Empire, given that Darth Vader and his Inquisitors have already appeared in the trailer. It seems that the show may just uncover Imperial sentiments that were seeking a future for the Empire that went beyond Palpatine, which will no doubt have implications for the upcoming Ahsoka season 2 and beyond. For now, though, Star Wars: Tales of the Empire represents a thrilling blank slate for Star Wars to explore these questions.