Computer problems you can resolve on your own

Ways to maintain eye health with screens

In this article, Daniel Adaji outlines safety tipsย for eye health while using digital devices

When we use digital devices such as phones, tablets, and computers, we are exposed to blue light. Blue light is part of the visible light spectrum and has shorter wavelengths. While exposure to natural sunlight during the day can boost mood and alertness, excessive exposure to blue light from screens in the evening can disrupt our sleep cycle.

Digital-related eye strain affects people of all ages. If you spend hours a day using digital devices, you might notice your vision blurs and your eyes feel achy and tired. Your eyes may also become dry and with tears or stings. Eye strain from the use of digital devices is not different from the symptoms you may experience when reading, writing, or doing โ€œclose work,โ€ such as sewing for long periods.

There have been studies on blue light using cells in a dish and animals, but these experiments did not mimic the natural conditions of blue light exposure to live human eyes. So far, there is no meaningful link between blue light and damage to human retinas or age-related macular degeneration. However, the level of device usage impacts eye health.

Eyeglasses with special blue light-blocking filters claim to improve sleep, reduce digital eye strain, and prevent eye disease. However, spending money on these glasses is optional for computer use.

Blue light from computers will not lead to eye disease. While overexposure to blue light and ultraviolet rays from the sun can raise the risk of eye disease, the small amount of blue light emitted by computer screens has not been shown to harm your eyes.

Sleep can be improved without special eyeglasses. Simply decrease evening screen time and set devices to night mode to promote better sleep.

Digital eye strain is not caused by blue light. Symptoms of digital eye strain (such as dry eyes, blurry vision, and headaches) are linked to how we use our devices, not the blue light itself.

How device usage affects eye health

Experts at Rochester Optical, a United States-based optical clinic have outlined some effects of digital devices on the eyes.

Straining your eyes

Constant exposure to digital screens, such as smartphones, tablets, and computers, can lead to digital eye strain. This occurs due to the extended periods of focusing on a screen, which can cause eye fatigue, eye discomfort, and blurred vision. The repetitive movements of our eye muscles to focus on screens without proper breaks can result in strain and discomfort.

Blue light exposure

Smartphones, tablets, computers, and other devices with screens emit blue light, which often disrupts our sleep patterns and negatively impacts our health. Prolonged exposure to blue light may contribute to retinal damage, increasing the risk of age-related macular degeneration.

Reduced blinking and dry eyes

When using digital devices, we tend to blink less frequently, resulting in dry and irritated eyes. Continuous staring at screens reduces the natural rhythm of blinking, leading to dry eye symptoms.

Increased myopia rates

Children and young adults are especially vulnerable to myopia (nearsightedness) due to excessive screen time. Regular eye examinations conducted by eye care professionals can help detect and manage myopia early on. By monitoring your childโ€™s screen time and scheduling routine eye exams, you can actively protect their eye health and reduce the risk of myopia progression.

Eye fatigue and headaches

Staring at screens for prolonged periods can strain the eye muscles, leading to eye fatigue and headaches. This discomfort may negatively impact productivity and overall well-being.

Tips to prevent digital-related eye strain

Blink frequently

Humans normally blink about 15 times per minute. However, studies show that we only blink about five to seven times per minute while using computers and other digital screen devices. Blinking is the eyeโ€™s way of getting the moisture it needs on its surface. Make a conscious effort to blink as often as possible. Consider placing a sticky note on your computer screen to remind you to blink regularly.

Follow the 20-20-20 rule

Every 20 minutes, look away from your screen and focus on an object at least 20 feet away for 20 seconds. This gives your eyes a chance to reset and replenish themselves.

Use artificial tears

If your eyes feel dry, use artificial tears to refresh them.

Adjust your screen settings

Set your devices to night or dark mode in the evening. This reduces screen brightness and minimises the impact of warm colours on your circadian rhythm.

Take breaks

Frequent breaks help reduce eye strain. Consider using a humidifier if you are often in a dry, warm room.

Adjust your position at the computer

When using a computer, you should be sitting about 25 inches (right about at armโ€™s length) from the screen.

Proper ergonomics play a vital role in preventing eye-related discomfort. Adjusting the height and position of the screen, as well as using ergonomic accessories like monitor stands and chairs, can help maintain a healthy posture and reduce eye strain.

By creating a comfortable and ergonomic workspace, individuals can decrease the risk of eye strain, preventing potential long-term complications. Investing in ergonomic solutions such as adjustable monitor stands, ergonomic keyboards, and chairs with proper lumbar support can significantly improve your overall comfort and reduce the strain on your eyes and neck.

Consult physician

Regular visits to an eye doctor can help identify and address these issues promptly, ensuring optimal eye health, as well as personalised care and advice tailored to your specific needs, reducing the strain on your eyes.

Eye care professionals at Rochester Optical recommended using blue light filtering glasses or screen protectors as a preventive measure. These protective measures help reduce the harmful effects of blue light and promote healthier eyesight. By wearing blue light glasses or using screen protectors, you can minimize the effect of blue light and protect your long-term eye health.

Remember, protecting your eyes involves more than just worrying about blue light. Proper eye care includes maintaining a healthy lifestyle, regular eye examinations, and practising good screen habits.

By following these tips, you can keep your eyes comfortable and healthy while using digital devices.