cj from animal crossing

Animal Crossing Players With 500 Hours Playtime Are Only Just Realizing How Fishing Really Works

Longtime Animal Crossing: New Horizons players are just now figuring out how relaxing the in-game fishing mechanic really is, with some players noting exactly how long it took them to figure out. There is so much to do in Animal Crossing: New Horizons and though players might lean towards other options first, fishing is an important part of the game. With the seasons bringing new varieties of fish to Animal Crossing, players will oftentimes find themselves standing near an ocean, lake, or a pond with a fishing rod in their hands waiting for a bite.

Reddit user junimo- shared that after 45 hours of playing Animal Crossing a random decision opened their eyes to how fishing should really work. Most players decide to tap A furiously in order to reel in their catch, but junimo- said that all they really need to do is just press A once and the game takes over the rest. Another player, Own_Butterscotch_445, said they had never realized this was an option, writing:

This revelation came as a shock to many, with many comments agreeing they didn’t know this. The thread then quickly turned into players sharing their various other rituals to help them catch fish, including closing their eyes to listen for the audio cue to prevent them accidentally hitting the button too early – or too late.

It does make sense that the fishing mechanics in the game are so simple. While Animal Crossing might not be as big as it used to be, it is still one of the most popular cozy games and cozy games aren’t supposed to be stressful. Having players tap a button in that manner might detract from the ability to just relax and take in the game. Though, sometimes this challenge was a welcome one, since junimo- mentioned they will miss the adrenaline rush they got from the way they used to fish.

Though the act of fishing itself might be less stressful for players thanks to junimo-‘s discovery, those who want to complete their museum will find other things to worry about. Rare fish can be really difficult to find, like the ever elusive oarfish in Animal Crossing. There are very specific requirements that need to be met in order to catch the rarer fish, like weather, time of day, and season. Hopefully, this will help players focus more on the type of fish they catch, instead of focusing on the fishing part itself.

One of the best parts of Animal Crossing is how new ideas and ways to play the game keep popping up, regardless of the fact it has been out for four years. From hilarious recreations, like this Willy Wonka Experience meets Animal Crossing scene, to new realizations like junimo- made, the Animal Crossing: New Horizons fandom will continue to thrive and enjoy sharing their love of the game all these years later.

Source: junimo-/Reddit, Own_Butterscotch_445/Reddit