The beginning of the end is nigh for Power Rangers as the beloved franchise is ready to close via its comic book series. The television series is in a place of uncertainty following the conclusion of last year’s Cosmic Fury season, which fell on the show’s 30th anniversary. With no announcement for the next season, it’s been speculated that Cosmic Fury effectively ended Power Rangers as we know it.
Now, coinciding with the end of the TV show is the end of the comic series, as Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Darkest Hour #1 is confirmed by BOOM! Studios to conclude the comics following its eight-year run. The final issue of the main series, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #122, will hit stores a week earlier on July 24. Taurin Clarke’s main cover art for Darkest Hour #1 can be viewed below, with several variants from additional artists.
The comic was instrumental in growing the franchise, and now may mark the final nail in its coffin.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Darkest Hour #1 is set up to be a swan song – potentially for the whole franchise, but most certainly a swan song for the comic series. The “Darkest Hour” storyline was practically two years in the making and as such, “has been one of the biggest tasks of my career,” says series scribe Melissa Flores in BOOM! Studios’ press release. She continues, “but I’ve enjoyed every single, heart-wrenching minute. Although I put our poor Rangers through the ringer, I hope the ending is as satisfying for the reader as it was for me to write it!”
Flores has been involved with Power Rangers as the comics’ lead writer for years, and even longer when considering her time at Hasbros and Saban behind the scenes. She understands Power Rangers like the back of her hand and as such knows the perfect way to send the comics off into the sunset for their final chapter. The same can be said for frequent collaborator Simona Di Gianfelice, who is just as “excited to tell this incredible adventure together with Melissa.” The comics were always in good hands of this creative team, and even more so now as they end.
It was almost an entire year ago that it was announced that Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, the comic series, would be plagued by its “Darkest Hour,” an ambitious year-long event promising that the Rangers would face their biggest challenge yet. There was always an implication that this would prove to be the biggest Power Rangers storyline of all time (TV show included), but it is only with this reveal that it would conclude the main comic series that readers learn exactly how big it truly is.
In many ways, the comics helped pump new life and intrigue into the overall franchise, proving so impactful that it affected television storylines (i.e. Heckyl’s Dark Ranger debuted in the comics years before appearing in Cosmic Fury). It’s bittersweet to think that the comics that helped revitalize Power Rangers is coming to an end not long after the show seemingly wrapped up for good. Now more than ever, with the future of the Power Rangers brand up in the air, it truly feels like the franchise is ending for good, but Darkest Hour #1 will nonetheless send it off with a bang!.
Source: BOOM! Studios