…says hatred, intolerance destroying the World
Friday Olokor, Abuja
The Catholic Archbishop of Abuja Diocese, Most Rev Ignatius Kaigama has reminded parents to be strong pillars of their homes.
According to him, parents should love their children equally and try as much as possible not to create some level of preference.
For children, the cleric advised that they must love their parents and their siblings and must open no room to discrimination.
Kaigama gave the advice in his Homily titled, “A Command To Love Beyond Boundaries”, delivered at Christ the King Parish, Kubwa in Abuja.
He said one thing that is destroying the world today is hatred and intolerance, adding that if only people can learn to love, just a little more, the world would be a better place to live.
Kaigama said, “As we told the mothers when they celebrated their day three Sundays ago, fathers, like mothers, must be strong pillars in the home. Ensure that love becomes a necessary ingredient in the home and it must animate the family. The family is the first school of love. Parents must not fail to love their children equally and try as much as possible not to create some level of preference. Children must love their parents and their siblings and must open no room to discrimination.
“Today’s readings portray the love of God for us and the type of love that should exist among us. Love is not just an emotion, a sentimental feeling; love is an action that not only warms our hearts but it is also that powerful force that transcends boundaries, that shapes our actions and interactions with others. For he who does not love, does not know God.
“What is expected of our leaders, whether spiritual, traditional, or political is a sacrificial love that is sympathetic, considerate, gentle, and kind. This love works for the good of the other and is not self-aggrandizing. This love is not arrogant, even when we think we are right and others are wrong. Sacrificial love is not selfish. Rather, it is an act of the will which seeks to serve and not to be served.
“The one thing that is destroying our world today is hatred and intolerance. If only we can learn to love, just a little more, the world would be a better place to live in. There will be less hunger because resources will be equitably shared; there will be fewer killings because people will respect the lives of others; crime will be greatly minimized because neighbors will not want to harm one another. As it is said: Love makes the world go round.
“When we are selfish and refuse to love, we build a wall around ourselves and condemn ourselves to loneliness and bitterness. But when we love and care, the walls fall and we experience joy and peace. The love that Jesus recommends to us, is that which symbolizes total self-giving.
“Let us break down barriers and celebrate our shared humanity. Today, our nation faces challenges, but love can be the solution. Let us love sacrificially, working for the common good.”