Fire Country actor Kevin Alejandro opens up about his character Manny’s chances of making his daughter’s season finale wedding. The hit CBS drama premiered in October 2022, and has achieved widespread popularity during its run, averaging around five million viewers. Alejandro has starred in the series since the pilot episode, playing hothead Manny Perez, a troubled fire captain who is in charge of the inmates who volunteered for Cal Fire. Manny fled Three Rock in Fire Country season 2 episode 9 after assaulting DC Luke Leone, and his whereabouts are unknown going into the finale.
In an interview with TV Insider, Alejandro discussed Manny’s actions, his decision, and whether he will make it back to town in time for his daughter Gabriela’s wedding in the Fire Country season finale. The actor indicated Manny wants to be there for the wedding, but stopped short of definitively stating whether he will be there. Check out Alejandro’s full comments on the matter below:
It is worth noting that, with a warrant out for his arrest, it is going to be very difficult for Manny to enjoy his daughter’s wedding, or even see her walk down the aisle. The urge not to make a scene on her big day could sway him toward not showing up in the final episode, or perhaps choosing to watch from afar. It might come down to whether local sheriff and ally Mickey can help him out of the situation, but things don’t look great for Manny. The fallout from this incident could follow him throughout Fire Country season 3, having a big impact on his character long-term.
Regarding Manny’s potential return to Three Rock, it seems too early after his dramatic exit for this to happen. Until he can become a leader and control his actions, he is always going to be a loose canon who will need to be watched closely. While it is possible the character could make it back in time for the Fire Country finale, there is a good chance Manny will be led away in cuffs, thus stretching this storyline into the next season. Gabriela’s wedding is supposed to be the happiest day of her life, but without her father present, it could wind up being a bittersweet affair for the young paramedic.
It’s clear Manny believes that skipping town and going MIA is going to keep him from being arrested, potentially paving the way for him to see his daughter walk down the aisle. However, the likelihood that this catches up with him is high, and this could set the stage for an explosive confrontation in Fire Country‘s upcoming season 2 finale. Whether Manny wants to bring this to his daughter’s wedding remains to be seen, and he might have a last minute change of heart and decide to stay away for her sake.
Source: TV Insider