Sr. Agnes Hassan

Sr Agnes Mary Hassan: A tribute

No doubt, her life was well lived – a life of purpose. Her dedication to the Almighty was evident in every gesture, every prayer, every act of kindness. She embodied love, compassion, and unwavering faith. Her presence was a balm to weary souls, a beacon of hope in a troubled world

IYA – Mother, Auntie, Sister, Friend, Teacher, and Mentor – these titles encapsulate the multifaceted role Rev. Sr. Agnes Mary Hassan played in our lives. For about three decades, I had the privilege of knowing her, but countless others had the honour of her presence for even longer. Her impact extended beyond the walls of the church and the classroom; it permeated everyday life, leaving hearts touched and souls uplifted, and I write this tribute in her loving memory as she departed this world on Wednesday, May 22, 2024.


Born on May 9, 1937, she graced us with 87 years of unwavering devotion to God and the Blessed Virgin Mary. As a nun, she exemplified the very essence of her vocation, leaving an indelible mark on all who knew her.

Her humility was as radiant a powerful light, as it was unparalleled. When she walked, it was as if she glided on wings of grace. I recall her legendary walks down the St. Agnes driveway, along the bustling Ikorodu Road, and even the quiet backstreets of Bush Street. She preferred walking over accepting rides from parishioners. With a wave of her hand, she’d jest, “Don’t mind me, Mr. Eboigbe. Me and my Fulani legs, we will walk.”

On my 70th birthday on 12th February 2024, she was all over, saying the opening prayer at the reception, in the forefront during the book launch, and everyone loved her, including several of her old students who hadn’t seen her in years!

And for us, devotees of the Archdiocesan Novenas at the Marian Shrine Maryland, Lagos, we always longed to hear her voice leading the Stations of the Cross with Our Lady, for many years. Her voice drew several people to follow Christ’s journey to Calvary more earnestly.

I can still hear her voice saying:

“But I knew this had to be, and I stood by and cried, silently.”
“But I knew this had to be, so I followed, and prayed silently.”
“But I knew this had to be, so I walked on, silently.”.

No doubt, her life was well lived – a life of purpose. Her dedication to the Almighty was evident in every gesture, every prayer, every act of kindness. She embodied love, compassion, and unwavering faith. Her presence was a balm to weary souls, a beacon of hope in a troubled world. We watched her serving on several committees, councils, and spiritual directors to several groups in the church.

She leaves behind a tapestry of memories woven with threads of love, faith, and service. As she rests now, may her legacy continue to inspire generations. Her holy mien, fair and strong, remains etched in our hearts – a reminder that angels walk among us. She, indeed, was an angel among us, as her remarkable life touched countless hearts. Her legacy will continue to inspire generations, and her memory will forever be a beacon of hope.

Rest in peace, Iya. Your light will forever guide us.

  • Epa Eboigbe is of Agnes, Maryland,